US immigration reforms can be a passport to failure for IT firms like TCS …
BANGALORE: The planned overhaul of America's immigration system is giving the jitters to Indian software services companies, and raising concerns that it could have severe repercussions for Indo-US economic ties. If the US ends up using H1-B visas to …
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Why are there so many Filipino nurses in the US?
For a fee, the website showed her photos and documents of her grandmother including copies of the two passport applications Isabel Mina filled out when she lost her US passport while traveling in the US. What stunned Lissa was learning that her …
Scots businesswoman volunteers in Ethiopian orphanage.. and finds a daughter
When that was complete, they could finally organise a birth certificate and passport for their new daughter. They eventually brought her to Scotland in August last year. Virginie said: “It has taken a bit of adjusting. “Genat now recognises us as …
Read more on Scottish Daily Record