International traveling has increased considerably over the few years both for travel and tourism as well as for business purposes. And for international travel, having a passport is mandatory. Without this document, you will not be allowed entry in a foreign country and not be able to return to US as well. Not only this, the passport acts as a document of national identity and proof of citizenship as well. It is obvious that the important of a passport cannot be undermined in any manner.

In USA, the passport is issued by the U.S State Department. If you want to get a passport, you have to make a new passport application and submit the same with the necessary documents and the passport processing fee. It has been seen that in the recent few years, the pressure on the State Department for issuance of new passport is enormous. This is the reason that passport applications can now be done via the US Postal Service.

Hosting of passport fairs in the various states in USA by the United States Postal Service
The United States Postal Service has planned to host multiple passport fairs at various locations. The fairs will be hosted across various locations in East Texas on 27th and 28th July 2018. Mentioned below are the details of the places where the fairs will be hosted:

• Waskom Post office – 265 Spur 156, Waskom, TX 75692 – 27th July – 2.00 pm – 7.00 pm
• Greenville Downtown Station – 2600 Wesley Street, Greenville, TX 75401 – 28th July – 8.30 am – 11.30 am
• Palestine Post Office – 1213 N Link Street, Palestine, TX 75801 – 28th July – 8.30 am – 1.00 pm
• Paris Post Office – 500 Clarksville Street, Paris, TX 75460 – 28th July – 11.00 am – 3.00 pm

The best thing about the passport fairs is that there is no need to make any kind of prior appointments for attending the fair venue. If you don’t want to stand and wait in long queues, it is recommended that you arrive early. Whether you are looking for passport renewal or urgent US passport, applicants will be served on first-come-first-serve basis only. There will be no preference of any kind whatsoever. The first-come-first-serve facility will be offered till reaching the maximum applicant capacity.

It has been seen previously that almost all the locations have great volumes of passport customers. Therefore it becomes mandatory to have a cut-off time, particularly when the waiting time crosses the hours of operations by quite few hours. So if you want to avoid delays, arrive at the venue as early as possible.

Special summer hours for passport in Atlanta

Apart from the passport fairs hosted by US Postal Service, the Atlanta Passport Agency, its location at 230, Peachtree Street NW, Suite 1000, Atlanta, is hosting special summer hours in the downtown location on 20th and 21st July 2018 from 8.00 am to 12.00 noon. Here too there is no need for making any kind of appointment. Applications will be accepted from applicants who are applying for the first time as well as for renewal of passports. The facilities will be made available for adults as well as children. The best thing about the agency is that it is directly operated by the US Department of State. There is only one concern and that is if you are looking for same day passport USA. You will need an appointment for the same and also be able to furnish documents as evidence of your immediate travel. Only if the agent and officer is satisfied with the provided documents, passport will be issued on the same day.

With numbers of summer travelers increasing in the US, these facilities offer great convenience to travelers with passport needs during this very busy time. The passports are received via the mail as usual within 3-4 weeks. If you are looking for expedite services, you will need to pay extra charges for the same and will receive the passport within 2 weeks.

Things that candidates need to carry for making proper passport application
Before you head out to the various post offices for applying passport, make sure that you carry the right kinds of documents with you so that there are no problems in filling up the application form. Mentioned below are some of the documents you must carry:

Proof of identity–There are many documents which are valid proof for identity. These include passport card or previous US passport, certificate of citizenship with photo, certificate of naturalization with photo, valid driver’s license, government employee identification card, military card etc.

Proof of America citizenship –The evidence of American citizenship can be established with a certified birth certificate, which is issued by the county, state or city; consular report of abroad birth; naturalization certificate or a certificate of citizenship.

Clear and legible photocopy of evidence of American citizenship and proof of identity, which will be needed during passport acceptance. Both the front and back side of the documents should be photocopied.

Recent passport sized colored photograph, measuring 2” x 2”. If you don’t have photographs of the same size, you can get it at the Post Office Passport Office by paying $15.

• All applicants, including minors have to come in person.

• Both parents should be present with minors under 16 years of age. In case one parent is not available to go with the minor, a notarized authorization is needed from the absent parent.

Along with the above mentioned documents, one also needs to pay the processing fee for the passport. A money order or check of $110 has to accompany the passport application form. The amount should be payable to the US State Department. Another $35 execution fee needs to be made payable to the Postmaster of the post office, where the application is being submitted. Fees for minors under 16 are $80 and execution fee is same as $35. If you are looking for expedite services for the passport from the Department of State itself, you have to pay $60 extra. Attend the passport fairs hosted by the United States Postal Service and avail the benefits which are available.

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