Unhappy with your government? Consider buying a Caribbean passport
“It's all about the passport. 100 percent. Few, if any, of the people who want to apply are planning on living in those countries,” says Moscow-based Oleg Lemeshko, owner of Elma Global, which helps Russians obtain economic citizenship. “Most of the …
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Passport Office Meltdown Blamed On 200000 Foreigners Being Given Citizenship
Only three percent of applicants for British citizenship were rejected last year, creating an enormous administrative burden on the immigration and the passport offices. Most applicants for citizenship apply for a passport as soon as they are given …
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Passport service may resume
The Bradford County commissioners announced on Wednesday that they are trying to arrange for the passport service to resume at the courthouse. "It (resuming the passport application service) needs to be done," said Doug McLinko, chairman of the …
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