The US passport being the most powerful passport in the planet goes through a lot of queries and there are even a lot of queries regarding this piece of document which are quite confusing to say the least. As such, in this discourse we are going to put some focus on a few aspects related to the US passport which normally confuses us and we get answers in accordance with the number of people we have spoken to regarding them. The discussion will definitely take us a long way in making us knowledgeable regarding the problem areas that haunt us while discussing the issues related to passport.
The primary problem lies with the fact whether you need a certificate of US citizenship in order to get a US passport. You can be rest assured that you don’t need a certificate of citizenship before to secure your passport. This question is confusing to the extent that even some of the clerks think that people actually need the certificate to even apply for a passport. You can always prove them wrong yourself because the passport application form (DS-11) itself asks you to provide evidence in proof of you US citizenship through your mother.
The next information you must know is that even if before turning 18 and becoming a permanent citizen of the US you are in the custody of your father, you are already referred to as a US citizen. You can thus get access to a passport or a certificate of citizenship for that matter. All you will require is a proper certification of birth and the proof that your father is a US citizen. You would also need authentic proof of the fact that your father is a legal citizen of America and you were in physical and legal custody of him. If you possess all the documents which have hereby been spoken about in the above literature will definitely help you in procuring your passport without any hazard.
Problems can even be avoided if you had not turned 18 by the time Congress had liberalized the law on 27th February, 2001. Remember you would even be considered as a citizen even if your parents are divorced. Regarding this issue as well there might be clerks at the office who would manage to confuse you. Especially for these kinds of human resources you would be better of carrying the divorce certificate of your parents in case some of these people ask you to provide a proof of the fact.
Thus, it is quite obvious that you are quite eligible to get the most powerful passport of the planet inspite of the fact that you don’t possess a few Papers which you think are important. So it is highly prescribed to know the rules and regulations properly before enacting to things as many a time people even take certain hypothetical thoughts as facts. Things might not be half as complicated as you might think.