Image by kappuru
get up and get out. Why do we need a national ID card? We already have one.
US Customs and Border Protection John Wagner
There was strong interest initially, but it took a while to get our message out, to explain the nuts and bolts of the application and approval process and to convince travelers that Global Entry was and is a permanent program. Q: How many travelers are …
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8 Travel Safety Tips to Avoid Getting Mugged
We typically travel solo, but in this rare case we had a guy friend along. The bandito didn't care and still viewed us as a target. · Memorize your passport number. It's not advisable to do extracurriculars like bicycling around vineyards while toting …
Read more on Jaunted
Your Passport to a Job in America
Your dream of getting a job in the U.S. could be ended by a common mistake: not Americanizing your resume. Indians typically include things on their resumes that American recruiters don't want to see, and may even find off-putting. It's important …
Read more on Wall Street Journal (India) (blog)