Hotel groups in Saudi Arabia step up training of nationals
“We have young Saudis who have joined us in operational roles, in housekeeping, the kitchen and the front desk who are already thriving within our business,” Mr Bengougam said. The Saudi government introduced the Nitaqat programme in 2011. It requires …
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Antigua & Barbuda – Passports For Sale! (Part 2)
As qualifying requirements become more varied and less stringent, in spite of the Prime Minister's continued assurance that the US Embassy in Barbados was participating in the vetting of applicants, certain scandals began to surface in the …
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Bangkok bombing suspect not cooperating, Thai police say
National police spokesman Prawuth Thavornsiri told The Associated Press that police found "more than 200 passports" in the man's apartment, including many that were empty, and police were exploring the theory that he was part of a network that provided …
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