Image by Josh*m
My stamped pages (composite). Each time a passport checker reaches for their stamp I concentrate with all the power of my mind on visualizing them giving me a perfectly positioned, well-inked, unsmeared mark, hoping beyond hope that the psychic waves will influence them into compliance. Obviously, it pretty much never works out.
Page 7: Bahamas and Uruguay.
Page 8: Peru and Chile
Page 9: Argentinian chaos!!!
Page 10: My sad and meager European stamps. From a passport stamp perspective, the E.U. blows goats: I visited a million countries but got only 3 stamps, two of which are some dystopian standard design! 🙁 On the bright side, I suppose, is that I did not have to wait a million hours in a million lines to get stamped.
Page 12: South Africa temporary residence permit. I like how one of the conditions is that you don’t become a prohibited or undesireable person.
Page 19: Return from South Africa.
Page 24: Admission ticket for Chile.
A tale of two passports: Turkey unrest underscores complexity of identity politics
TURKEY – Passports are nearly indestructible objects. An American-Israeli friend of mine discovered this in an Iraqi farmhouse when she frantically tried to get rid of her Israeli passport before her identity could be discovered by the Shia insurgents …
Read more on Haaretz
FP Passport: Lyudmila, we hardly knew ya — no really
We don't know much about Putina: A notoriously private person, she surfaces so rarely in public with her husband that it was news when she showed up at the Kremlin for Putin's inauguration last year (there was once speculation that the reason she …
Read more on Foreign Policy (blog)
The stone sinking Labor
ASIO said plane arrivals were time-consuming but they have "a passport and at least they do not have four different dates of birth or three different names." Such ploys are … Gillard's tragedy is that she is much misunderstood on border protection …
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