The Last DC-10: Part 1 (Dhaka to Kuwait City)
The food is great, a US dollar goes for miles, the weather is nowhere near as lethal as you'd expect for a tropical climate, and where else in the world can you see a Chengdu J-7F named Thundercat? I mean, my first car was named Thundercat. That was …
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Why More Americans Are Renouncing U.S. Citizenship
Renouncing citizenship is not as easy as throwing a passport onto the fire. It's a lengthy process, involving interviews, paperwork and legal procedures. So people who do it generally have a compelling motivation. And while individual reasons for …
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Sochi Diaries: Losing With the Russians, Winning With the Swiss
Dimitri after the Russians lost: We drink to our funeral. No – cheers to figure skating! The room was very disappointed … These Russians were really interested in what I thought of Sochi (I love it here), and were not happy with the things being said …
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