from RUSSIAN PASSPORT APPLICATION ALBUM. Credit: Russian Collection, Hamilton Library, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Image by Library Russian Collections
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Incorrect residence info delays passports
PUNE: Applicants must list all the addresses they have resided at in the last 12 months when they apply for a passport to avoid delays in getting the document. Analysis of data available at the Regional Passport Office on Senapati Bapat road has …
Read more on Times of India
SMS alerts for passport applicants
While the passport office would send an intimation SMS about despatch of the passport, the applicants can also register for a premium SMS service paying `30 to get frequent alerts and updates on the application status and the various stages of …
Read more on Deccan Chronicle
EU citizenship for sale — for 0000
Unlike other similar programs in the European Union, applicants for program are not obliged to live in Malta before being granted a passport. Instead, if the application is successful and the applicant is wealthy enough to spare the large sum, he or …
Read more on CNN International