To expedite your passport as quickly and painlessly as possible, be prepared to have these five key items for documentation: proof of U.S. citizenship, proof of identity, passport photos, proof of intent to travel  and the appropriate passport form completed via an official government form filler online. There are various exceptions and rules for these items, so we’ll walk you through the details of each one to help you prepare accordingly.

We service both walk-ins and appointments for passports at our Atlanta location. To schedule an appointment or to ask any questions you have prior to visiting, call the office at (404) 889-8670. We’re located at 175 Peachtree Street NE Ste 2037 Atlanta, GA 30308.

[Suggested alt text: Bring proper documentation to your Atlanta passport agency appointment.]

Gather These Documents Before Your Appointment at the Atlanta Passport Agency

You will need to bring the following documentation with you to your Atlanta Passport Agency appointment:

Completed Passport Application 

  1. For new or child passports, you must obtain Form DS-11 “Application for a U.S. Passport” from the State Department’s website. You may complete it online; however, you will still need to print it out. The same goes for renewals, which use Form DS-82. Both forms can be found on the official government form filler.
  2. DO NOT SIGN IT UNTIL YOU ARE IN FRONT OF THE PASSPORT ACCEPTANCE AGENT. The agent must witness each traveler signing the form. 
  3. It is recommended that you use the government form filler to print your application. Applications filled out by hand will need to be typed in by our staff at the office.
  4. You will have to supply your Social Security number, address, information about your parents, information about your current or previous marriages, your birthdate, birthplace and your physical description. 
  5. For adult travelers who were never issued a Social Security number, you must draft, sign and date an affidavit that states, “I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the following is true and correct:  I have never been issued a Social Security Number (SSN) by the Social Security Administration (SSA).”

Proof of Citizenship

Be prepared to present proof of your US citizenship when you apply for a passport. Your old passport will suffice, as will a government-issued birth certificate that has been certified by the state in which you were born. If you were born outside of the United States, submit your naturalization or citizenship certificate or the consular report of birth abroad. If you use your naturalization certificate to apply, you are waived from the requirement to prove your identity. 

If unable to produce these documents, you will need to submit some early school records with your hospital-issued birth affidavit or birth certificate. Sometimes, circumstances arise (especially with older travelers) where no birth records are available. In lieu of those government records, you must obtain a letter from the government attesting to the same.

Proof of Identity 

To establish your identity, you can use an existing passport (if you have one). Other primary forms of identification include your naturalization or citizenship certificate, valid military ID, state ID or driver’s license or another type of government-issued identification card. 

 If you do not have front and back photocopies of the identification you intend to submit (this is printed on a letter-size sheet of white paper), you can visit in-person to have this service completed for you. Those lacking acceptable primary identification documents may alternatively submit multiple types of secondary identification like valid employee identification cards, credit cards, and Social Security cards. You can also bring along a witness willing to swear under oath you are whom you claim to be.

(H3) Passport Photo

 If you don’t have passport photos when you apply in-person, we can take the photos for you at the office. Acceptable passport photos need to be printed in color with 2-by-2-inch dimensions. They also need to be taken with you standing against an off-white or white background. Finally, the photo must have been taken within the six-month period preceding your passport application. You shouldn’t smile for the camera for this photo; assume a neutral facial expression and look straight ahead at the camera. Unless you have a signed affidavit that it is for religious reasons, you cannot cover your head in your passport photo. The same is true for glasses unless you have a signed statement from your physician that your glasses are medically necessary.  Regular, everyday clothing is recommended: uniforms, particularly those for military and government work, are not allowed.

Travel Itinerary

In order to have your expedited passport processed, you will need to provide proof of travel intent. Acceptable documents include one copy of your international cruise or airline reservations or a copy of reservations for your hotel or another lodging. If you don’t have an itinerary, you can substitute a business letter written on your company’s letterhead instead. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DATES OF YOUR DS-11 AND TRAVEL ITINERARY MUST MATCH AND THE ITINERARY MUST STATE YOUR NAME.

Documentation You Will Need for Children’s Passport Application

If you will be traveling with a child who is 15 or younger, you must have proof of your parental identity, i.e., certified birth certificates, adoption decrees or other court orders. Should both of the child’s parents not be planning to travel with them overseas, the custodial parent must submit either documentation that they’ve been awarded sole custody or guardianship or obtain from their child’s other parent a statement of consent (Form DS-3053) granting that parent permission to apply for a passport for the child.

How to Renew Your Passport at the Atlanta Passport Office

You can renew your current or expired U.S passport online unless your passport was:

  • Issued more than 15 years ago
  • Issued before your 16th birthday
  • Lost, damaged, or stolen
  • Issued in your previous name and you don’t have a legal document to prove your name change
  • A temporary emergency passport issued abroad over a year ago.

If any of the above are true, you cannot renew your passport online and you must apply for a new passport in person at the Atlanta Passport Office using form DS-11. 

Passport renewal in Atlanta is easy. Simply follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Use the official government form filler to complete and print Form DS-82.
  2. Bring a passport photo. Follow the requirements listed above.
  3. Bring your most recent passport.
  4. If your name was changed, bring a certified copy of your marriage certificate or a court order of your name change. 

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