March 26 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Malaysia says MH370 jet crashed in sea China wants evidence http://news.yahoo.com/u-navy-black-bo... March 24 2014 Breaking News confirmation MH370 ... Video Rating: 0 / 5
March 26 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Malaysia says MH370 jet crashed in sea China wants evidence http://news.yahoo.com/u-navy-black-bo... March 24 2014 Breaking News confirmation MH370 ... Video Rating: 0 / 5
GE Passport Engine Takes Flight, Set For Fan-Blade-Out Test Current Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine subscribers: online and mobile access are now included at no added charge to you.…
Passenger refused flight over missing letter on airline ticket Her son-in-law, Aleh Kadychenka, scanned her passport at the check-in kiosk, but it kept getting rejected. “It was denied first time,…
Detailed and thorough travel plans can change in the blink of an eye. A trip abroad originally intended to take place several months in the future might be rescheduled for…
Dr. Sanjay Jain Delivers Flight Safety Tips for Airline Passengers It was recognized with Malaysian Flight 370 that two men on the flight likely used stolen passports. If either as…
First Lady Michelle Obama continues state visit to China Note: The post below is part of a series authored by First Lady Michelle Obama to share her visit to China…
Black actor: NY Macy's stopped me because of race Former National Security Agency chief Michael V. Hayden learned a lesson about eavesdropping aboard an Amtrak train to Newark: Don't talk…
APPLICATION FOR AN AUSTRALIAN PASSPORT. ORLABEST. Image by RubyGoes G'day. Flight test: Garuda's onboard immigration service Once your flight leaves Australian airspace and enters international territory, two Indonesian immigration officers…
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